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We teach small business owners how to hire, onboard, and train employees so that they can build their dream team, win back their time, and run their business like a badass.


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We know the struggle and the hustle of wearing all the hats in your business.
And we know that small businesses can change the world, if their founders just had the right team behind them to make it all happen.

That’s why we created Hire Like A Badass - a program for business owners with $250k-$750k in revenue who are tired of doing it all themselves, and who are ready to invest in building their team.

Hire Like A Badass is on a mission to get you from hella tired, to dream team hired.


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"Sadie's course helped to remove all the fears I had surrounding my very first hire. Her process made sense and allowed me to stop "over-thinking”. Thanks to what I learned from Sadie, I have hired my first team member! I highly recommend this program."


Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D. - President, KTownsend Consulting

Hi, I'm Sadie

Hi! I’m Sadie Scheffer, entrepreneur and hiring expert. As the CEO and Founder of Bread SRSLY, I learned how to hire my team the hard way, and I want to share those stories and lessons with you.

Hiring is scary, but it can also become your company’s superpower with a few key processes in place. I’ve distilled my decade of hiring experience into clear, actionable steps that you can implement in your business today.
Join me to learn how to Hire Like A Badass.

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You built something amazing. Now, you deserve a badass team behind you that can make your company thrive. 


Join us to learn the badass systems, templates, and processes you'll need to make great hires again and again.


Yes I Need That!